Thursday, March 3, 2011

Integrating Blogger into your website

Graeme, you'll need to set up a blog for RedBaobab on your Google account. Use any template - doesn't matter which because I'll supply you with the code for a template that matches your site (once I've got all the horrible glitches sorted out). One thing to be aware of is that the length of posts appearing on your site's pages should be kept reasonably short. You can achieve this by inserting a 'jump break' in an appropriate place. This is done by clicking the 14th button from the left in Blogger's WYSYWIG editor. I'l pop one in at the end of this sentence.
So if you have your blog set up correctly, the RSS feed will only include text up to the jump break. And here's a bit of lorem ipsum: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras mattis rhoncus sollicitudin. Quisque fringilla blandit mollis. Suspendisse risus odio, interdum vitae scelerisque sed, ultricies ac tellus. Maecenas commodo, nisi ac accumsan pulvinar, ante sem tristique sem, vel consectetur libero ligula in eros. Pellentesque non arcu elit. Mauris placerat porttitor sem vel blandit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec vitae urna odio. Phasellus at neque vitae sapien varius malesuada in sit amet urna. Duis sit amet leo justo.

Duis rutrum ligula id tortor pharetra sed tincidunt augue sagittis. Proin vel ante leo. Vestibulum eleifend odio et nunc pellentesque porta porttitor mi accumsan. Integer hendrerit risus eget odio consequat malesuada. Quisque arcu ipsum, pulvinar id gravida eu, sollicitudin ut nisi. Curabitur vel mauris tempus justo tincidunt rutrum sed quis est. Nunc et pellentesque massa. Sed rutrum scelerisque mi, ut tristique neque euismod pharetra. Praesent leo purus, porttitor eu varius et, viverra id nibh. Curabitur velit lorem, euismod ut cursus a, volutpat in turpis.

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